
Hi. I’m Renee’. I live in suburbia, TX. I grew up in a small town around people with big hearts. Growing up, family was a very important part of my experience. I have 27 aunts and uncles and 28 cousins and I lived less than 100 miles from all of them. My family is great at many things. They are loving, inclusive and non-judgmental. Handling stress and conflict? Still working on that one.

I ended up going to college in a bigger small town and there I met my future husband, Brent. Fast forward a few years, we have been married 22 years. We have two awesome kids (at least their mother thinks so), one spunky dog and a few fish. I have been in the counseling profession for 20 years. I enjoy my therapeutic work with individuals, couples and groups. I also appreciate opportunities to speak to larger audiences on subjects I am particularly passionate about.

A few of my favorite things:

  • laughing (I almost always have the loudest laugh in the room. I love that I have a sense of humor about most things. In my opinion, it is a great tool for life.)
  • chocolate….need I explain?
  • running (Too bad running wasn’t listed above chocolate!)
  • reading
  • traveling (near or far)
  • friends (I am blessed with such great ones!)
  • family (both my extended and my created family)
  • clients (I truly appreciate that my clients trust me with some of the most fragile parts of their lives…their emotions, self-esteem, negative thoughts, relationships, etc. I feel honored to walk with them on a journey that isn’t always easy but is worth it.)
  • Jesus (I am humbled by knowing I live a life of grace made possible by the sacrifice that is my Lord and Saviour.)

Things I am learning:

  • how to be authentically my self (Unfortunately, I have a people pleasing past and am sensitive to other people’s thoughts and feelings. This is good and bad. I am trying to learn to live an authentic life with little regrets.)
  • how to take responsibility for all of me (I am a responsible person in general, but sometimes I find myself hoping someone else will rescue me from my negative thoughts. I am learning to live life truly responsible for all that I do, think and feel.)
  • how to be in close relationships while I am being my authentic self (It is much easier to be myself when away from others. I am learning how to communicate better, work through conflict and be in close relationships, while being myself. It’s harder than it sounds!)
  • to trust in God…always (I can mostly convince myself that I trust in God. Catch me in a moment of anxiety and you might see me relying a lot on myself and others and little on God.)
  • to love others better
  • self-compassion and grace


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